Sunday, May 5, 2013

16 weeks

Well, I have been sick. Apparently pregnancy just kills your immune system and I have ended up with a sinus infection. I started feeling bad earlier in the week and just thought with extra fluid and Vitamin C I could shake it. However, by Wednesday or Thursday it just seemed to be getting worse and worse. I went to my check up with my OB and she told me that if it got any worse, to call her and she would get me on some antibiotics. Up until that point I had not taken any medicine because I never get sick and never need any medicine. So on my way home from the doctor I stocked up on the few medications I could take, but I guess it was too late and I got worse through the night. I didn't sleep at all Thursday night and can't ever remember a time when I felt that miserable. Poor Dustin didn't know what to do. In the 3+ years we have been married, I have never been sick like that. Here and there I might get a little under the weather, but never like this. This was a first for him too! I ended up staying in bed ALL day Friday and most of the day Saturday. Today I'm feeling a lot better, but I can barely breathe and I've kind of lost my voice. Hopefully I will be even better tomorrow so I can teach.

The rest of my appointment went well. I got to see Baby Whitlock again and he/she looks great. The baby's little hand was up by his/her head and I could see its little fingers. I also got to hear that little heartbeat! I've never enjoyed going to the doctor as much as I have these past few visits. It's just a relief to see that everything is OK in there! I know that I'll feel better once I feel the baby move, but I'm not really expecting to feel anything for a while...but it sure would be nice to have some proof that I'm pregnant other than my clothes getting tighter and tighter and the 3-4 week appointments.

Other than my sinus infection, I have been feeling pretty good. No serious symptoms or problems. I've been a little more emotional this week, but I'm not sure if that has been from the exhaustion from being sick or the hormones!

I still haven't done much to prepare for Baby Whitlock's arrival. I did get my copy of Baby Wise this week and started reading. So far, it's pretty informative. I'm sure it will come in handy when we bring the baby home and try to get him/her on a schedule. Like I said before, I'm not really in a hurry to do anything in the nursery since I'll be home all summer and will have plenty of time to get all of that ready. And again, I'm a pretty laid back person and I'm just not really concerned about all of that. Once school is out, I'll have more time to focus on all of that stuff. We only have a few more weeks left of school and I am excited to say that my sweet sister-in-law, Brandi, has agreed to go with me to register. I have a list of things that I need but with so many choices and brands...I don't have a clue! So it will be nice to have someone to help me get what I need and to know what the best options are. God has truly blessed me with a loving family and I am so thankful for them! I mean, how many people have a sister-in-law that would be willing to give up an afternoon to help her clueless sister-in-law? Or how many people have a father-in-law who will bring them soup and Gatorade when they are sick? Awesome, right?

Well, that's all for this week. Sorry for the random and scattered post...I guess I had a lot on my mind. Have a wonderful week!


  1. Brandi saved my life with helping me register. I had no idea what was going on. She's AMAZING.

  2. Aww, y'all are going to make me cry! Y'all are too sweet! I love helping y'all, it's fun and its actually something I know a little about :-)

  3. I was sick at around 10 weeks with fever and horrible sinus stuff. Being sick while pregnant is the WORST!!! Here's to the fact that summer is so close, and maybe our immune systems will be able to have a break from all of the adolescent germs.
